Arctic summer: midnight sun, lush greenery, fresh swimming waters Arctic autumn: colourful leaves, sporty weather, time for hobbies Arctic winter: snow, warm winter clothes, alternating of freezing outdoor life and warm indoors Arctic spring: birdsong, from melting snow and dazzling sunlight to first flowers and leaves on trees, to see how the wild nature bears the winter and wakes up to life year after year, widening possibilities for outdoor life * * * Literally the arctic zone is only in Lappland, north of the arctic circle. But whole Finland is arctic in the sense that even in the summer time everybody, also locals, have to pay constant attention in order to stay warm enough. That is done by avoiding cold, dressing warmly and adjusting clothes to weather and indoor temperatures, moving at least somewhat sportily often and taking care of eating right for the burden of weather on staying warm. * * * Usually when one hears from foreigners reasons why they would not like to ...
Blogin alun muutama otsikoissa tärkeäksi merkitty taito tuo valtavasti hyötyä ja korkean aseman etenkin ulkomailla, esim. alkuperäisessä kotimaassasi, jos niitä jatkuvasti kaikessa noudattaa. Ne sopivat myös median opetettaviksi. * * Vuodenajat English version